
之前总是很想试下远距离的爱情,看似浪漫又甜蜜。但事实确实不见面的时候一直吵架,见面时确实一直粘着对方都不吵架。回来这三个礼拜多了,每一天晚上都在吵,能吵的都吵了 。

有时候我希望你是个什么都能接受我 ,不生气我 不骂我 , 都会对我很好,什么都能包容我的好男人,但你不是。人有时候也是自私 ,你也希望我会有多么的好。但事实上你/我都没那好。

有些事我有试着去改但始终都还是一样。虽然我只是说那句话让你感到不爽但你也不至于对我大声啊。我从来都没对你大声过,当你每次都对我大声说话我都好伤心 。我真的很后悔为何要自作主张打给你要是没打给你就不会变到现在这样了。搞的是我打给你是要让你生气似的。或许现在彼此冷静下应该会好些吧。。。


It's a new year begin ~ 

Time flies really super fast , this year is the last year i start with 1 in my age next year its gonna be 20 !  like what??????????????????? Getting old but life still need to go on . Well , there is nothing happen in 2015 but i found my mr.right 
Through an app called ''WECHAT" , ridiculous right ? i know .. hahahah 
Honestly , i never thought that i will be with him . At first we just a friend well not friend but stranger? I can't find a suitable word to describes our relation. But i'm still glad that i know him when i'm still in Klang . 
This is my first time to have a long distance relationship even not that long just only need to take 2hours 5 min flight to reach KL. I ever want to find a work over there but i only have one problem is transport . KL is super big city its not like here i means labuan . So i decided to find a work at labuan because easy for me to go and back at least i got transport over here . But i'm still not sure if i really can get a job. Because i have no confidence speak in english and written . Thats is the only one reason for me. How i wish i can speak well and written in english . Start from now hope is not too late , I have to strive to learn it better for my english . I believe can ! Can i ....? 
Okay lets not to talk about it .. 

So ... before the end of the 2015 , i got a trip with my friends after im going back to labuan .
Actually have 5 of us but some of them can't go ... THIS IS SUPER SAD.
Well , so left me and the two friend who live in kk . At first i feel strange for all the thing and people , i don't why but still feel strange for all of that . Back to the topic , the next day we go up to the mountain which called ‘KUNDASANG' this is the first time to have a small trip with friends. Nice experience hahaha. I really miss the moment when we play , laugh , sing and dance togather even though just only 3 of us but of course will be more best if the 2 missing friend join . The weather in kundasang is so cold ..... how i wish i can live there too .
We make a promise that we will come back and bring our boyfriend 
That will be more great .
The next day we been to the ranau fish pond , im not sure what the right name so i call as fish pond .
After that we go to the hot spring place but we didnt go to the hot spring . Holiday season , many people in the hot spring . So we go to the canopy walk , at first we thought the distance we have to reach the canopy walk just only few step but it doesn't like we thought. We have to go up 2 km to reach the canopy walk , the view from the canopy is so damn fresh but of course hot and the bridge we walk is so wobble cause we are very afraid of the shake . After the canopy walk we still need to go down 2 km to reach the starting point . So we finish our 2 day 1 night  in kundasang .
Meanwhile before we reach KK , we go to the Crocodile farm at Tuaran . 
There is so many crocodile , big fish but also have deer , sheep , bear . We also have give food to the crocodile, it was a good experience even just to throw the food to the crocodile .. hahaha 
So i had spent a wonderful holiday with my labuan friends.
He find me ! So i have to stop now , BYE !


最近在家很闲空,所以什么样的戏什么样的节目 我都快看完了
我都会觉得我自己很了不起   😆 😆 😆 😆
好吧,正经点... 我试着去找工作但是有可能我的经验不足 所以才没联系我 但是呆在家真是快发霉了啊我  😩😩😩😩 
久违的出去走走 忽然觉得这一切都变了 不过也算是好事 因为在这小岛有些改变 才会进步 说的好像很有自信  😃😃😃😃 
昨天翻回之前写的一些东西 是有点幼稚 但这也算是个回忆 真的好想回到那时候 和我那些朋友们一起疯 感觉就像才刚发生不久 果然中学时期真的要过的很疯才有回忆 但是最后一年的学期 我们少了一个姐妹 说真的其实那件事我们可以不用吵到翻脸 如果她当初说对不起会改的话 我们至少还是好朋友 虽然现在是没事了而且也和好了 但是我们的友谊不能像从前那样 ...  我们现在也上大学了感情也没像之前那么好 但希望见面时还是会想之前那样疯 😉😉😉😉 虽然我没有上 因为我没任何的兴趣 现在只希望能找到工然后就有钱啦 😊😊😊😊 
说真的我亏欠我身边的朋友很多有点不好意思 😥😥 想赚了钱一次过还给她们 所以才决定要快点找到工 要不然也可以去旅行啦 现在这样想我都有点期待 😍😍

今天沙巴竟然发生地震 😟😟 说真的这是第一次听说的 而且也有人说这两个月某个地方将会发生前所未有的事 小妹在这希望没事发生啊 我连想都没想过马来西亚会地震 但如果纳闽地震的话 我看我家一定会被压 因为我家后面就是一座山 想想下我都怕了 现在只能祈祷没事发生 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏

Favourite Movie

Hey guys , i'm back ! 

Since no work ,recently i just stay home become a super lazy ass pig
Try to find a job to do but i'm lazy ... :D
Anyway , today i'm going to intro some movie to all of you :D
I found a lot of the romance movie , everytime when i finished watch those movie , i want to fall in love too . But there is no one can i fall in love with .... Well dont talk about this and let me intro you these movie ;

Name : Somewhere we know 有个地方只有我们知道
China Film 

Name : Love,Rosie  爱你罗西
Name : Fleet Of Time 匆匆那年
China Film

Name : The Best Of Me 最好的我
Name : If I Stay 如果我留下

 Some of the ending was sad and happy but full of meaning , but some ending i don't really like because i thought it will be or have something like .... sorry i don't know how to explain it . Just watch these movie if you all want to :D

*I'm trying to improve my english :D*

The first posts in 2015

I have been a long time didn't play blogger , i think almost 2 year ?  so yeah ...
because there is so much stories to talk about :D  oh ya! I just want to say that my SPM result ...
NO FAIL BUT i got A ! Finally ... you know what , i never get A on my subject , really NEVER . 
This is my first time , thats why im so happy . But for some of you maybe is just piece of cake to get 
A on your subject .Beacuse im actually not smart just hardworking to get a good result but the result always make me disappointed . 

After i finished my highschool life , everything had changed . 
Some of my friends have their own way to go . But i'm just like a 'VARGRANT'?? I don't know is it suitable to describe my life now or not.
I just want to live my own way life I don't want anyone to force me , I know is for my own good but how if i really not interesting ? I prefer to find some work first after that just take some course to learn at least after take course i know what should i do . 
And One More Thing,
I wonder why some of the people like to look down on those salary low than them ? WHY ? because their salary low so have to look down on them ? I don't know why they want to think that way . 
Salary low so ? not human ? not a worker ? For me , have work enough for what you want to look down on those people . Do your own business no need to look down on them .

My family was worry about that what if my job the salary low and other people look down on me , my first thought is for what i want to care so much ? At least i do my own job and have salary to take even not much and also enough for me to use . 

Should end here now ... Bye ! :D * i'm not sure is it have people to see my post or not but if really have i have to say ' SORRY ' because i know my grammar not good .. so yeahh.. xD


Dream ♥ 

Recently I keep dreaming .. 
I wish I could live in my dream but I know is impossible . Why dream cannot come true ? I wish it can ..

I dream about someone ,actually im not really like him and just feel that he is very funny :D 
But when I dream about him last night and I fall for him hahaha I know its ridiculous but the dream is really sweet for me♥ I will never forget and always support him on his competition or performance . 

Our distance is very far and age too . If say be friend ? I think that was impossible ... grrr how come I dream about that , it make me feel that im close with you ... anyways just hope you will be a professional dancer ♥ 


Holidays ...

So what did guys doing now ? Im boring :( yeahh I know it's holiday im happy because not need to study and listen what teacher say. But when really holidays I feel like want to go back school ... School have friends so that we can play and better than stay home .

Holidays 2 month so what did I do in this 2 month? Stay home sleep eat watch drama thats all everyday keep repeat the same thing ... I wish that I can go out for work but I always have a problem is lazy . How come?!?! Must change !! 
So today 29.11 tomorrow is the last day of november , don't you feel that time flies fast ? December is coming!!! After Christmas's  ...
I need to go back to school and study . Oh ya spm next year ,my turn , why ,so ,fast?! I not yet get ready . Just hope that I can do the best on my exam ♥ 

what a ... ?

Yesterday i take my result already...
NO FAIL ... But for me the result was so 'SUCK'
I really have study ! I didn't want to request get A but even have B enough .
But got D i don't like to see the DDDDDD !!!

Start from next year , i really need to focus on study . NO MORE HONEYMOON.
Need to control , cannot keep out and play .
After that SPM need to get A . Really ! 1day sure i will prove it to my family , i can do itt!!
i really wish it .

Actually that , i saw you but i make nothing ...
Cause i just want you the one who start to say 'HI'
But you just ... ... walk straight and make nothing too ...
Well , never mind ... IT'S OKAY :)

Everybody was talk about END OF THE WORLD .
I don't believe about that .
Anyways ~ i don't like those people act like very scared after that act cute .SO FAKE lah .
Get what i means right ?