It's a new year begin ~ 

Time flies really super fast , this year is the last year i start with 1 in my age next year its gonna be 20 !  like what??????????????????? Getting old but life still need to go on . Well , there is nothing happen in 2015 but i found my mr.right 
Through an app called ''WECHAT" , ridiculous right ? i know .. hahahah 
Honestly , i never thought that i will be with him . At first we just a friend well not friend but stranger? I can't find a suitable word to describes our relation. But i'm still glad that i know him when i'm still in Klang . 
This is my first time to have a long distance relationship even not that long just only need to take 2hours 5 min flight to reach KL. I ever want to find a work over there but i only have one problem is transport . KL is super big city its not like here i means labuan . So i decided to find a work at labuan because easy for me to go and back at least i got transport over here . But i'm still not sure if i really can get a job. Because i have no confidence speak in english and written . Thats is the only one reason for me. How i wish i can speak well and written in english . Start from now hope is not too late , I have to strive to learn it better for my english . I believe can ! Can i ....? 
Okay lets not to talk about it .. 

So ... before the end of the 2015 , i got a trip with my friends after im going back to labuan .
Actually have 5 of us but some of them can't go ... THIS IS SUPER SAD.
Well , so left me and the two friend who live in kk . At first i feel strange for all the thing and people , i don't why but still feel strange for all of that . Back to the topic , the next day we go up to the mountain which called ‘KUNDASANG' this is the first time to have a small trip with friends. Nice experience hahaha. I really miss the moment when we play , laugh , sing and dance togather even though just only 3 of us but of course will be more best if the 2 missing friend join . The weather in kundasang is so cold ..... how i wish i can live there too .
We make a promise that we will come back and bring our boyfriend 
That will be more great .
The next day we been to the ranau fish pond , im not sure what the right name so i call as fish pond .
After that we go to the hot spring place but we didnt go to the hot spring . Holiday season , many people in the hot spring . So we go to the canopy walk , at first we thought the distance we have to reach the canopy walk just only few step but it doesn't like we thought. We have to go up 2 km to reach the canopy walk , the view from the canopy is so damn fresh but of course hot and the bridge we walk is so wobble cause we are very afraid of the shake . After the canopy walk we still need to go down 2 km to reach the starting point . So we finish our 2 day 1 night  in kundasang .
Meanwhile before we reach KK , we go to the Crocodile farm at Tuaran . 
There is so many crocodile , big fish but also have deer , sheep , bear . We also have give food to the crocodile, it was a good experience even just to throw the food to the crocodile .. hahaha 
So i had spent a wonderful holiday with my labuan friends.
He find me ! So i have to stop now , BYE !

