The first posts in 2015

I have been a long time didn't play blogger , i think almost 2 year ?  so yeah ...
because there is so much stories to talk about :D  oh ya! I just want to say that my SPM result ...
NO FAIL BUT i got A ! Finally ... you know what , i never get A on my subject , really NEVER . 
This is my first time , thats why im so happy . But for some of you maybe is just piece of cake to get 
A on your subject .Beacuse im actually not smart just hardworking to get a good result but the result always make me disappointed . 

After i finished my highschool life , everything had changed . 
Some of my friends have their own way to go . But i'm just like a 'VARGRANT'?? I don't know is it suitable to describe my life now or not.
I just want to live my own way life I don't want anyone to force me , I know is for my own good but how if i really not interesting ? I prefer to find some work first after that just take some course to learn at least after take course i know what should i do . 
And One More Thing,
I wonder why some of the people like to look down on those salary low than them ? WHY ? because their salary low so have to look down on them ? I don't know why they want to think that way . 
Salary low so ? not human ? not a worker ? For me , have work enough for what you want to look down on those people . Do your own business no need to look down on them .

My family was worry about that what if my job the salary low and other people look down on me , my first thought is for what i want to care so much ? At least i do my own job and have salary to take even not much and also enough for me to use . 

Should end here now ... Bye ! :D * i'm not sure is it have people to see my post or not but if really have i have to say ' SORRY ' because i know my grammar not good .. so yeahh.. xD


