To my beloved friends

Hello guys , i have been long time didn't open blog to write my story :)

In this year , there was many things change ...
I know a lot of friends and get a lot of fun with my best sistar .


Is our first met , that time i was shy to talk with you guys .  I like together with you all , even i can't join your all convensation but i still feel very funny with you guys .
From the day we met , i just want to be your friend .
I never think about want to be your girlfriend. Althought i keep reject you but you still will treat me as friend .
Sometimes annoying too but sometimes are not .
I just treat you as my friend its doesn't more than that dear :)

Last time go there swim ,  but of cause i don't dare to talk with you .
Cause i'm girl sure shy , okay?? hahaha
I still want to thanks for caring me so much . :D

Some of my crazy stupid friends , sorry to saying you all like this .
But you all are really crazy . The most i very closed with is a boy and also can call as my sister   :D
He treat me like a boy cause i treat him like a girl . HAHAHAHAHA
He always like to join our girls convensation , that's why i will call him sister xD

I hope one day , our plan can achieve !!! Is it that time i have freedom
To do what i want?
To go where i want?hmmm ....


Guys 3 words for you all ' I love you '

